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Saturday, 26 June 2010

Lord Rahul Cool removal

Thats the virus you can remove by following these steps...i will 3 solutions to remove that virus..k if you bored to try that one.just use the sofware named quick heal it wil remove the virus... 
Followed below steps: 
1. Click on Any folder. 
2. Click Tools - Folder Options - View - Hidden Files & Folders 
3. Mark Show hidden files and folders 
4. Unmark Hide extensions of Known file types 
5. Unmark Hide protected Operating system 
files (Recommended) 
6. First two files were seen on my flash drive : Rahul’svirusprotection.vbe & autorun.inf 
7. Click on the properties of both file and unmarked Read only. 
8. Clicked Apply & deleted both files. 
9. Searched for Rahul*.* on hard drives. 
10. Click on the properties file and unmarked Read only deleted the file. 
11. Now LORD RAHUL COOL is out of my browser. 


actually this is a VB script file and located in System32 
directory, first you delete this file from this location 

do it 
In Windows Explorer…. following this steps 
Tools — > Folder Options —> View(tab) 
check this one 
Show hidden Files and Folders … 
Uncheck this one 
Hide prorected operating system files (Recommended) 

Now you can view all system files and Hidden files into your drives…. 
go to this system directory 

find this file one “Rahulsvirusprotection.vbe” 
and delete it…..then following the REGEDIT clear steps….it’s really very simple. 

if u can not found this file, please search word like *Rahul*.* 

if u can not delete this file, please search the software name like UNLOCKER 1.8.8 in google 
this small utility can delete this file very easily 
and finally you will get a error message while logging in remove that..just do 

after deleting the virus in the logon you will receive the message cannot run the script like that..follow this procedure…start–>run–>regedit..and go to the following path.. i will give you…heykey_local machine–>software–>microsoft–>windows NT–>current version–>windows logon…go there and delete the second path..thats for rahul cool virus..keep the first one alone and delete the rest..for ex:keep like then exit..thats time it wont show the message 


Delete this values into registry 
1--- Start>>Allprograms>>RUN 
2---- and type REGEDIT into run window 
3----- goto this KEYS into registry editor 


delete the key value 

Window Title : LORD RAHUL COOL '''delete this value or change it.

Friday, 18 June 2010

How to Import multiple .vCard files in Outlook ?

This can also be done using a VBA macro. First create a folder on the root of the C: drive and name it VCARDS. Next copy all your individual vCard files (.vcf) to this newly created folder. Next open Outlook and click ALT + F11 to open the VBA editor. 

Click TOOLS --> REFERENCES and then select Microsoft Scripting Runtime andWindows Script Host Object Model from the list and place checks in the box next to each and click OK. 

Next click INSERT --> MODULE and copy and paste the code below into the blank module. Save and run the macro to automatically import and save all the individual files into Outlook.

Sub OpenSaveVCard()
Dim objWSHShell As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShell
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
Dim colInsp As Outlook.Inspectors
Dim strVCName As String
Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fsDir As Scripting.Folder
Dim fsFile As Scripting.File
Dim vCounter As Integer
Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set fsDir = fso.GetFolder("C:\VCARDS")

For Each fsFile In fsDir.Files

    strVCName = "C:\VCARDS\" & fsFile.Name
    Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set colInsp = objOL.Inspectors
        If colInsp.Count = 0 Then
        Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        objWSHShell.Run Chr(34) & strVCName & Chr(34)
        Set colInsp = objOL.Inspectors
    If Err = 0 Then
            Do Until colInsp.Count = 1
            colInsp.Item(1).Close olDiscard
            Set colInsp = Nothing
            Set objOL = Nothing
            Set objWSHShell = Nothing
        End If
    End If


End Sub
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