When sending an e-mail, you can request a return receipt. This is a message that will let you know that your e-mail was delivered. You can either set this option on individual e-mail messages, or as a global option to apply to all e-mail sent.
To set this option for an individual e-mail, inside your mail window choose View, Options.
You have two different options. If you check the Request a delivery receipt for this message box, you will receive a confirmation when the e-mail is successfully delivered. If you check the Request a read receipt for this message box, you will receive a confirmation when the e-mail is opened by the user. (This second option will only work for Byu-Idaho addresses or for other e-mail services that support this feature). When finished, click Close.
To set this option globally, click on Tools, Options and then on the Preferences tab and the E-mail Options button. Now click the Tracking Options button. You should see the screen below. You have the same two options here. Set them to your preference and click OK.